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Why your store needs a store security guard

Reading time: 3 minutes

A shop supervisor is a security guard who specializes in securing your store. That is why you regularly see the shop security guard at large retail chains and department stores. The visibility of these security guards alone has a preventive effect against shoplifting, molestation and nuisance.

Suffering from store loss?

Does your store suffer from loss? This includes theft, vandalism or fraud. The Netherlands suffers most from loss in stores in Europe. Electronics businesses have to deal with a loss of 2,73% of turnover annually. 73% of this is attributable to shoplifting. The most annoying thing is that 40% of all shoplifting can be attributed to your own employees.

What is store loss

Store shrinkage is a broad concept, but briefly explained, shrinkage is the turnover (sales value of products) within retail organizations that is not registered in the cash register due to internal or external causes. The English term is 'loss' for a reason.

​Entrepreneurs mainly have to deal with criminal losses. Criminal loss includes theft, destruction and fraud. In addition, entrepreneurs can also have to deal with products that have expired or cash register errors that are made.

How do I prevent store loss?

Store shrinkage mainly has malicious people as the culprit. The most annoying thing is that these are often people from within the organization. Store surveillance already prevents a large part of store loss. When security guards actively move through the store, the mere presence will already reduce loss. The use of electronic security will also help against loss. Alarms deter people from committing theft. By our hire security guards Can you prevent store loss?

store security

Shop security

A store security guard helps you secure your store. Shop security guards from Dutch Crowd Security not only help with surveillance, but also actively think along with the improvement of your security measures. This way they can look at the current measures and see what could be improved. If there is a risk of calamities occurring at night, it is also possible to hire security guards for the night.

A safer feeling for your customers

A shop security guard is not only there to protect your products, but is also there to ensure that shoppers feel safe. When there is peak traffic in your store, people can get overwhelmed by the crowds. A shop security guard gives them peace of mind that someone is keeping an eye on things. Customers are not only unkind to staff, but can also be unkind to each other.

Hosts and hostesses for your store

Not every customer is a shoplifter. That is why it is important that a shop security guard does not give customers an overwhelming feeling, but that the security guard is also a person they can address. Addressing customers is also done in a respectful manner. Instead of someone "having to" follow a rule, they explain the "why" behind the rule. By making people aware of the responsibility of the rules, people are more likely to comply with the house rules. In general, this has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the store.

Shop security officer with a gray pass

To be allowed to work as a shop security guard, a security guard must be in possession of a gray pass. The gray pass is proof of identity for security guards that demonstrates that they are authorized to carry out security work. This pass is therefore only valid for 3 years and must then be renewed. This guarantees the quality of the shop surveillance. The shop security guard must have his gray pass with him at all times during the work.

Security guards in training have a green pass. This is only valid for 12 months.

Store supervisor duties

A shop security officer generally has two focus pillars: Ensuring that shoppers and employees feel safe and helping the client to limit loss.

Limiting shoplifting

73% of shrink is related to shoplifting. A shop security guard therefore has the task of reducing this and preventing it as much as possible. The security guard does this by talking to customers and showing a proactive presence within the store. In addition, a shop security guard must have a good eye for shoplifting. No shop thief in the same. There is also no fixed profile of a shoplifter. The experience of a shop security guard helps in recognizing potential shoplifters or habitual offenders.

Attributes of a store security officer

A shop security guard must adopt a proactive attitude in his work and draw up his own plan. In addition, a shop security guard must be flexible, no two situations are the same. In every store and every city, the visitors and therefore the activities are different. This makes it extra important to have steadfastness and adaptability.

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