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Self-defense techniques that every security guard should know

Reading time: 2 minutes

At Dutch Crowd Security, the focus of our security techniques is primarily on prevention; we strive to prevent incidents before they can occur. This proactive policy ensures that physical confrontations are a rarity, a testament to our success in creating safe environments. Nevertheless, it is very important that our security guards are fully equipped to respond adequately to physical threats, should they occur. 

In this article we delve deeper into the essential self-defense techniques that every Dutch Crowd Security security guard should know. Techniques that not only protect them, but also help maintain the safety of everyone around them.

1. Escape techniques

In case a security guard is grabbed or attacked, basic escape techniques are crucial. These techniques enable the security guard to quickly and effectively free themselves from restraints, without necessarily resorting to counteraction.

2. Blocking and defense

Learning techniques to block or deflect blows and kicks can be essential in protecting against physical attacks. These types of defense mechanisms minimize the impact of attacks and offer the security guard the opportunity to restore a safe distance or call for help.

3. Control and immobilization techniques

In situations where it is necessary to control an attacker without inflicting serious injury, techniques such as arm locks and holds are invaluable. These methods allow security guards to neutralize a threat until the arrival of reinforcements or police.

4. Ground combat

While we strive to avoid ground combat, it is important that security guards are prepared for such scenarios. Knowledge of ground combat techniques can be crucial in maintaining control of the situation, even from a less advantageous position.

5. The use of tools

In certain situations, security guards may be equipped with aids such as pepper spray or an extendable baton. Training in the correct and responsible use of these tools is essential, both for the safety of the security guard and that of the attacker.

Dutch Crowd Security

The safety of our security guards and the people they protect is our highest priority. By placing a strong emphasis on prevention and equipping our security guards with the knowledge and skills of essential self-defense techniques, we ensure that Dutch Crowd Security is able to provide effective and safe security solutions

Choosing Dutch Crowd Security means choosing a security partner that invests in the future of your security, by not only focusing on the here and now, but also on anticipating and preventing future threats. Our team of professionals is ready to provide a security solution specifically tailored to your unique needs. They have the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and the expertise to tackle any safety issue. Take today contact for more information or Request a no-obligation quote immediately.

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