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The laws behind your safety

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When you're at a festival, walking through a shopping center or attending a major event, you probably don't think about what goes into ensuring safety. You move freely and enjoy the moment. But behind the scenes we are working hard to ensure that you, the other guests and employees are in a safe environment. This also comes with Legal aspects to look. For example, do you know the bet that determine what a security guard may or may not do, and how he or she should act in certain situations? In this article we will discuss this important side of the security sector.

Laws and regulations in the security sector

Specific laws and regulations apply to a company in the security sector. An important law is the Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wpbr). This law regulates matters such as permits and sets requirements for personnel and business operations. In addition, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) important. This law regulates how personal data must be treated and protected.

Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wpbr)

De Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wpbr) is an essential regulation that sets frameworks for security companies in the Netherlands. Before a security company receives a permit and can be operational, it must meet strict requirements. 

Screening and training of staff

These requirements not only include business operations, but also extend to personnel. For example, every individual security guard who works for the company must be screened by the police to ensure their integrity. 

Moreover, there are specific training requirements that security guards must comply with. To work as a security guard is one diploma from the Professional Examinations Foundation for Private Security Organizations (SVPB) or an equivalent diploma required. In the training you will learn, for example, about conflict management and hazard recognition. For a position as a coordinator or if you want to perform specific tasks, such as working as a dog handler, additional certificates are required.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

De General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is aimed at protecting personal data. Security companies, like every company in Europe, must adhere to the GDPR and therefore handle camera images or information about visitors with care.

Example: music festival

Suppose you are at a music festival. Dutch Crowd Security security guards are not allowed to simply search your bag. They must ask permission first. If there is camera surveillance, this must be clearly communicated. All this is done to respect privacy without compromising security.

Cooperation with government and police

Security companies such as Dutch Crowd Security work closely with the government and police, especially at major events. This is the ultimate 'teamwork' in the security world. In this way they form an invisible but strong wall against all kinds of risks.

Example: King's Day

There is a joint approach to major events such as King's Day. Dutch Crowd Security can, for example, be used for 'crowd control', while the police focus on other tasks.

Conclusion: behind your safety lies a world of rules

In short: the next time you are at a festival or walking down a busy shopping street, remember that there is a whole web of it laws and rules is to guarantee your safety. Companies like Dutch Crowd Security are working hard within this legal frameworks to ensure that you feel carefree and safe.

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