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The importance of good security in the reception of Ukrainian refugees

Reading time: 2 minutes

Sinds Rusland in februari 2022 Oekraïne binnenviel, zijn veel Oekraïners naar Europese landen gevlucht, waaronder Nederland. De opvang van deze vluchtelingen brengt verschillende uitdagingen met zich mee, waaronder de veiligheid in de opvanglocaties. Bij het snel inrichten van opvanglocaties wordt niet altijd rekening gehouden met de veiligheid van de vluchtelingen en de omgeving. Dit kan leiden tot spanningen en onveilige situaties. Daarom is het van belang om te investeren in goede beveiliging bij de opvang van Oekraïense vluchtelingen.

Quality of care at stake

Given the large numbers of refugees and the demand for reception locations, municipalities are being asked to act quickly. Many municipalities therefore opt to rent or purchase private locations in addition to public ones. You can think of vacant office buildings, hotels and holiday parks. 

The speed with which the reception of Ukrainian refugees is arranged can lead to problems. From one NOS article it appears that locations are sometimes used that are unsafe and not suitable for long-term reception. Refugee organizations are therefore increasingly concerned about the quality of the reception in the long term. 

The importance of good security

Goede beveiliging bij de opvang van Oekraïense vluchtelingen is van groot belang. Beveiligers moeten niet alleen letten op de veiligheid van de vluchtelingen en de omgeving, maar ook preventief handelen om spanningen te voorkomen. 

Maria Shaidrova is a migration scientist and founder of the Opora Foundation. With this foundation she stands up for the interests of Ukrainians in the Netherlands. She sets the NOS article that Ukrainians regularly feel intimidated by security. The security would be too strict and take too little account of the privacy of the residents. 

It is therefore very important that security guards act in a friendly and humane manner, and do not behave like a bogeyman. Good security ensures a safe and peaceful environment in which the refugees can focus on building a new life.

Fire safety at reception locations

Finally, fire safety at reception locations is also a subject that requires careful consideration. Many shelter locations that are currently being used are not actually intended as long-term accommodation and therefore do not always meet fire safety requirements. 

It is important that fire safety is taken into account when designing reception locations and that measures are taken to guarantee safety. Consider, for example, the installation of fire alarms, the construction of fire-safe doors and the creation of sufficient escape routes. In addition, it is important to carry out regular checks for possible fire risks, such as the use of cooking appliances in bedrooms and the storage of flammable materials in unsafe places.

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