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Security: Human vs. technology

Reading time: 2 minutes

The word safeguard conjures up an image of a man or woman in uniform for many. But nowadays technology also plays a major role in the security industry. How do these two weigh against each other? And what is the perfect combination?

The human touch in security

Have human security guards unique qualities. Although technology plays an increasingly important role in security, as far as we are concerned, nothing is indispensable human touch exceeds in security. Our heroes in uniform? They have super powers! A few examples:

  • Intuition: Our security guards intuitively sense when something is wrong. A sideways glance? A nervous tick? They pick it up!
  • Vigilance: Through their intuition and vigilance, our security guards detect suspicious persons and behavior before a conflict or dangerous situation arises.
  • Responsiveness: In emergency situations, our security guards are there like lightning.
  • Communication: In the event of a conflict, our security guards de-escalate the situation by talking to the people involved. 
  • Flexibility: Our security guards are flexible and can respond quickly to unexpected situations. 
  • Deterrence: The mere presence of human security guards deters potential intruders. 
  • Access control: Finally, human security guards are masters at checking IDs so that only the right people get in.

But human security guards also have a number of disadvantages: people can get tired, they can't possibly be everywhere at once and they can miss something.

Technology: the perfect complement to our heroes

plays in our modern world technology an increasingly important role in security, as it delivers faster response times, greater accuracy and greater reach than ever before. While our human security guards are in the foreground, technology seamlessly complements them in the background, making them an unbeatable team. 

De benefits of using technology in security:

  • 24 / 7: Cameras and sensors never sleep. They do not get tired and do not need rest.
  • Accuracy: Where a person may overlook a detail, technological systems provide infallible data.
  • Range: Think of drones that can survey a large area in no time.

Of course, even the best technology is not without flaws. Technology can be susceptible to hackers, requires regular maintenance and can sometimes seem cold and impersonal.

The best of both worlds

At Dutch Crowd Security we believe that people and technology be a strong team in contemporary safeguard. The dedication and intuition of our human security guards, perfectly complemented by the precision and endurance of our technology, ensures that we not only move with the times, but also shape the future of shaping security. With our team you get the best of both worlds, which makes us truly unbeatable!

Curious about what Dutch Crowd Security can do for your company or organization? Then take today contact without obligation.

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