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Industrial security: what exactly is it?

Reading time: 2 minutes

Industrial security is a branch of security that deals with the prevention of risk and damage within factories, business parks and companies. These are often large areas that are unclear, where many people work and where many (valuable) items are stored. Think for example of a car factory, a machine factory, a brick factory or a dairy factory. It may also concern areas where hazardous substances are used, such as in the process industry and the (petro) chemical industry. Curious what exactly is industrial security? Then read on quickly!

What is industrial security?

Industrial security is thus concerned with the safety of places where capital and consumer goods are produced. This concerns both the protection of personnel and visitors (against occupational and other accidents) and the prevention of economic damage.

1. Preventing accidents at work

Within factories, there are often different machines which can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Also work with different (Chemicals poses risks to the people who work in the factory – and in some cases even to the people who live in the vicinity of the factory.  

To prevent industrial accidents and protect personnel within the industry are common to many industries mandatory standards drafted. These standards ensure that the risks associated with industrial activities are limited. For example, think of:

  • rules regarding the use, operation and maintenance of machines and equipment;
  • rules on the storage and disposal of industrial products;
  • and hygiene standards.

In addition, certain measuresn increase the safety of workers in the industry. Consider, for example, the use of fire detection equipment and automatic fire extinguishing systems. Many of these measures are therefore also mandatory. 

2. Preventing economic damage

When we talk about prevention economic damage, we are talking about damage to the property, processes and environment of the institution or company. Risks in this area are:

  • burglary;
  • theft;
  • vandalism;
  • fraud;
  • organized crime;
  • and terrorism.

Because of these risks, business parks and factories must be properly secured, both during and outside production and opening hours. 

Business importance of industrial security

From a business point of view, both the prevention of occupational accidents and the prevention of damage to property and processes are of great importance. Both help in maintaining the efficiency and productivity of a company. 

Physical security within the industry

below industrial security different types of security, such as digital security, camera security, fire detection, but also physical security

Physical security officers in the industry are engaged in various measures that help to prevent both work accidents and economic damage. For example, think of:

  • performing access control, reception services and visitor registration;
  • carrying out mobile surveillance and control rounds;
  • emergency assistance;
  • conducting fire and closing rounds;
  • and camera monitoring.

Industrial security guards from Dutch Crowd Security

Want to know more about industrial security? Or are you curious what Dutch Crowd Security can do for you in this area? do not hesitate to contact to include us.

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