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Capacity shortage of security guards due to corona policy

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Brancheorganisatie VBe NL constateert dat veel beveiligingsbedrijven een tekort aan beveiligers hebben. Dit door de algemene corona-adviezen in combinatie met de testcapaciteit en snelheid van testresultaten. In een brief aan minister F. Grapperhaus (Justitie & Veiligheid) vraagt VBe NL het RIVM-advies te versoepelen voor de beveiligingsbranche.


The first signals of an increase in absenteeism are arriving at VBe NL. Under normal circumstances, flu symptoms and the associated absenteeism are not a problem for the industry. This changes due to the RIVM advice that everyone with cold complaints (such as a cold, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat) should stay at home and have themselves tested. Director Leon Vincken of VBe NL: “However, the question is how long it will take before the employer and/or client expects the protection officer to have himself tested again if the flu symptoms persist. The GGD GHOR has now reported that testing capacity is becoming scarcer and waiting times are longer, while the flu peak has yet to come. As a result, VBe NL expects an extreme peak in absenteeism resulting in a capacity shortage in security.”


Crucial or vital occupational group
The advice of the RIVM also applies to people in crucial or vital professions: if you have mild complaints (a runny nose), you stay at home. Private security plays an important role in safety in times of corona. The average security companies have seen their turnover decline since the start of the crisis. This is now coming under extra pressure, notes VBe NL.
That is why VBe NL is asking permission from Minister Grapperhaus to deviate from the stay-at-home advice for staff in the Security Domain if there are mild symptoms of illness. “The condition is that all hygiene measures are observed. In addition, we ask you to promote that security personnel are given priority for test requests," said director Leon Vincken in the letter to Grapperhaus.


Source: Veiligigingsnieuws.nl

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