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What does a fire watch do?

Reading time: 2 minutes

The fire watch focuses on fire prevention checks and fire safety is an important point of attention. The functions of the fire watch and safety watch are regularly combined. A fire watch is generally hired by another company so that the fire watch will mainly be present at that company's location. Fire guards are also hired for parties and one-off events.

Large-scale fires can firefighters Not on, that's what the fire department is for. They can apply first aid, they know how to fight a starting fire and how to evacuate a building.

The duties and responsibilities of a fire watch are:
Check work permits
Check the presence of personal protective equipment
Check compliance with procedures and regulations

Types of fire guards

In the private sector there is a need for people who can be deployed on projects with an increased risk, especially petrochemicals and industry. Experience with and knowledge of chemical substances, processes and safety policy are indispensable.

Industrial fire guards

Industrial firefighters are trained for petrochemicals and industry. They can be used for maintenance and shutdowns/turnarounds. The duties of one industrial fire watcht are:

  • Supervising high-risk objects and projects
  • Check the accessibility of escape routes
  • Take gas measurements
  • First-line intervention in emergencies
  • Life-saving action in case of accidents

Outdoor watch/manhole watch

For an outside watch, working safely is central. Watch outside/manhole guards intervene, provide assistance and maintain communication with people working in a confined space. They check in advance whether the room is safe to enter. A manhole is an opening intended to carry out installation or maintenance work or checks. This may concern, for example, the entrance to a steam boiler or the sewer.

State-certified firefighters

State-certified firefighters have experience with fire brigades. They are used in shipyards, in the petrochemical industry or in industry, but also in civil engineering, hospitals, events or public buildings. The duties of a state-certified firefighter are:

  • Supervising work with high fire hazard risks
  • Review permits and safety procedures
  • Check personal protective equipment
  • Inspection rounds are conducted in situations where fire alarm systems have failed
  • Supervise safety

Repressive fire guards

Repressive firefighters are trained internally at a fire brigade. They are trained for firefighting and rescue. Repressive firefighters are, in a sense, full-fledged firefighters. Their duties are:

  • Preventing, limiting and fighting fire
  • Reducing and combating danger in the event of accidents other than fire
  • Warn and evacuate employees and local residents
  • Detecting hazardous substances and carrying out decontamination
  • Advice on fire prevention, fire fighting
  • Preventing, limiting and combating accidents involving hazardous substances
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