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The security sector calls for more cooperation with the police

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The Dutch security sector has made concrete proposals to the House of Representatives to improve cooperation between the police and private security companies. According to the trade association, this is urgently needed.


“The task facing the police, especially with a view to subversion, organized crime and corona, is very extensive. More and better cooperation with the security industry can help to keep that task feasible," said Ard van der Steur, chairman of the Dutch Security Industry. “It is the art of tackling challenges together. The starting point, however, remains that everyone works together from their own role and that the monopoly on violence rests with the police.”

Information sharing

The Dutch security sector sees concrete opportunities for more cooperation in the field of information sharing, with which other European countries have had positive experiences. “The 30.000 security guards can be used as the eyes and ears of the police.” It is important that this information sharing goes both ways. Private investigation agencies can play an important role in (also internationally) tracking down missing convicts, for example. According to the Dutch Security Industry, a previously held successful pilot in this area certainly deserves a follow-up.

New employees

The police and security companies could also cooperate more when recruiting new employees. The security sector already has agreements with the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee to start recruiting together. The sector would also like to make such agreements with the police. Anyone who wants to work for the police, but does not yet meet the qualifications, could, for example, first work in security and then after a few years - with an advantage - still be able to report to the police.
Cooperation between the police and the business community can also bear fruit in the modernization of the Private Security Organizations and Investigation Agencies Act (WPBR).

Personal security

The security companies see themselves as playing an important supporting role in the area of ​​monitoring and protecting people who are under serious threat, especially now that the increasing number of requests in this area threatens to overload the police.
This also applies to the security of events when they become possible again. The police have previously indicated that they want to withdraw further from the security of events and catering. Private companies can – provided they survive the current crisis well – take over that role. The condition is that the number of events is geared to the available capacity for security.
Ard van der Steur does point to the larger 'risk profile' that then arises for security companies. In catering, event and shop security, it is important that the police are available quickly if things escalate. “Police follow-up with regard to drugs, violence and (fire) weapons is essential and can and should be much better.”

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