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Planning events is getting off to a slow start

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The year 2020 will not be mentioned by many people as their favorite year ever. This certainly applies to people who work in the event industry. Thanks to the corona crisis, 2020 was a terrible year for this sector. Perhaps even the toughest year ever, as there were virtually no festivals, sporting events, sporting competitions or cultural events. Fortunately, event planning is now slowly getting going again. 

Everyone craves events

2020 was also not a good year for sports enthusiasts, culture fans and festival goers. And what about event security guards: many security companies are on the verge of collapse due to the corona crisis. It is therefore good news for many people that plans are slowly being made to set up events again.

Pilot events: back 2 live

More and more parties from the event industry joined a lobby towards The Hague. The goal: to set up different event experiments. By organizing events under strict conditions and linked to research, the event industry wants to find out what is possible and what is not. Similar experiments have been taking place outside the Netherlands for a while. In the meantime, the Netherlands has also started various pilot events. 


Various events are currently being organized under the name 'Back 2 live', including:


  • concerts at Ziggo Dome
  • premier league football matches with audience
  • events at the Beatrix Theater in Utrecht


The audience of these experiments currently consists for the most part of people who work in the events sector themselves. 

Summer 2021 events

For the 'ordinary' public, it will therefore be a while before you can dance at a concert or drink a beer at a festival. But now that the vaccination program has started, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel for them too: by the summer of 2021, the majority of the Dutch should have been vaccinated against the corona virus. The events for this summer are already being planned. This is also necessary, because planning an event takes a lot of time. 

Hire security for events in 2021

One of the important points when organizing events is of course hiring security. Are you planning to organize an event this summer? We are eager to get back to work in event security. Request a quote now. 

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