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Construction site security: why is it necessary?

Reading time: 4 minutes

In 2018, the Dutch Association of Insurers already indicated that greater priority should be given to the security of construction sites. They already saw a worrying trend in the increase in theft on construction sites. This trend has continued in recent years. Also in the first quarter of 2022, insurers indicate that the crime on construction sites is increasing, especially now that there is a scarcity of building materials and sharply increased prices. Construction site security is therefore increasingly necessary. 

You can read here why construction sites are vulnerable to these types of crime and what you can do to secure your construction site. 

Construction site security: what is it?

Construction site security starts by installing security systems on your construction site, such as motion detectors and alarm systems. In addition, there are also systems that enable remote access, such as a control room and camera surveillance.

With these systems you can not only detect fire and burglary, but also monitor personal safety, so that people are aware if something happens. Many of these systems can also be connected to your mobile phone, so that you are always informed when activity takes place.

Why is security needed on construction sites?

Construction sites are often poorly lit, remote and relatively easy to access. In addition, many construction sites contain valuable equipment, specialist tools and other expensive materials. Unfortunately, unsecured construction sites are often the site of burglary, theft and vandalism.

Construction sites are particularly targeted at night, at weekends and during holidays. This causes millions of euros in damage on Dutch construction sites every year. It also often causes construction delays, which in itself entails costs. Construction site security offers a solution.

What can you do to secure your construction site?

As an entrepreneur in construction, it is best to hire a professional security company for the security of your construction site.  

To ensure that the security on construction sites meets the necessary requirements, the Federation of Safe Netherlands and Bouwend Nederland, together with Kiwa, have drawn up a document entitled: 'Security and safety of construction sites'. This contains guidelines for the security of construction sites and sites. 

Technical aids for construction site security

There are several technical tools that can help you with the security of your construction site, think of:

  • electronic security systems (including cameras) 
  • access control systems (for regulating/checking incoming and outgoing persons and goods)
  • fire alarm and evacuation systems

Physical construction site security

But beware: the mere use of technical aids is often not enough. Good construction site security is a combination of three factors: people, process and technology. We therefore always advise to use physical security guards in addition to technical resources.

Construction site security guards increase the safety on the construction site through the:

  • running inspection rounds
  • performing access controls at electronic barriers
  • perform identity checks
  • continuous monitoring of camera images
  • intervene in risky situations

Physical construction site security

But beware: the mere use of technical aids is often not enough. Good construction site security is a combination of three factors: people, process and technology. We therefore always advise to use physical security guards in addition to technical resources.

Construction site security guards increase the safety on the construction site through the:

  • running inspection rounds
  • performing access controls at electronic barriers
  • perform identity checks
  • continuous monitoring of camera images
  • intervene in risky situations

Preventive measures for construction site security

To secure your construction site, it is important to understand that taking preventive measures requires an integrated approach. Safety on a construction site can be significantly increased by collaborating with professional security services, implementing advanced technological systems and taking specific preventive measures. Below are some important steps you can take to improve security on your construction site:

  1. Collaboration with professional security services: Make sure you work with a reputable security company, such as Dutch Crowd Security, which specializes in construction site security. By hiring experienced security guards, you not only increase overall security, but also peace of mind on the construction site.
  2. Implementation of advanced security technologies: Consider installing advanced security systems, such as motion sensors, camera surveillance, access control systems and fire and evacuation systems. These systems can help detect possible intrusion attempts and monitor suspicious activity.
  3. Strict control of access systems and identity verification: Ensure that only authorized personnel and visitors have access to the construction site. Conduct regular checks at entry points and implement identity verification procedures to ensure security.
  4. Strengthening physical security: In addition to technological measures, it is also essential to deploy physical security guards on the construction site. These professionals can carry out regular inspection rounds, handle access controls at electronic barriers and intervene in suspicious or risky situations.
  5. Improving lighting and storage management: Provide adequate lighting on the construction site, especially in remote areas, to deter potential intruders and identify suspicious activity. Also implement a strict policy for storing and managing work materials and equipment to minimize theft.

By combining these measures, you create a robust security system that significantly increases the safety of your construction site. Investing in construction site security is not only a crucial step to prevent financial losses, but also to ensure the continuity of your construction projects. Furthermore, it contributes to a safer working environment for all personnel involved in the project.

Night surveillance on construction sites

Since a large proportion of burglaries, thefts and vandalism take place at night, we recommend that you also construction site security to care. Read more about night surveillance here.

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