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Access control security: The perfect combination of security guards & technology!

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Access control in security is not only about technological solutions, but also about the crucial role that physical security guards play in protecting an organization. In this article we discuss the perfect mix of people and technology for optimal access control and share current news articles on this topic. Find out how to implement effective access control and which systems best suit your needs.

The Role of Security Guards in Access Control Security

While technology plays an important role in access control, we should not underestimate the value of human security guards. They are often the first line of defense and can:

  1. Noticing suspicious people or behavior
  2. Respond quickly to emergencies
  3. Show presence as a deterrent to potential intruders
  4. Perform access checks, such as checking IDs

A combination of well-trained security guards and advanced technology ensures a strong security solution for your organization.

Facts and Figures about Physical Security Guards and Access Control

  1. According to Statistics Netherlands, there were more than 2020 registered security guards in the Netherlands in 30.0001.
  2. A survey shows that 60% of organizations use both technology and human security for access control2.

5 Actualities about Physical Security Guards and Access Control

  1. In 2018, a new training course for security guards was launched in the Netherlands, placing greater emphasis on the importance of access control and communication skills3.
  2. In 2019, it was announced that Schiphol Airport was deploying extra security officers to better control passenger flows and improve safety4.
  3. In 2020, RIVM started deploying security guards at test lanes to improve access control and to guarantee the safety of employees and visitors5.
  4. In 2021, the UK government announced it would be introducing stricter access controls for all visitors to public buildings, with a greater role for security guards in ID checks6.
  5. In 2022, a new security company was founded in Belgium that specializes in access control and the combination of physical security guards with technological solutions7.

How do you choose the right Access Control solution for your Organization?

When choosing an access control solution for your organization, there are some important factors to consider:

  1. Security level: How strong should the security be? Depending on the nature of your organization, a combination of physical security and technological solutions may be required.
  2. Ease of use: Is the system easy to use for both employees and administrators? A user-friendly solution can help increase employee adoption and increase efficiency.
  3. Flexibility: Can the access control system be customized to meet the unique needs of your organization? Flexible solutions can grow and change as your organization evolves.
  4. Costs: What is the budget for your access control solution? Consider both the costs for security guards and the investment in technology.


Access control security is a critical aspect of any organization's security. By implementing a combination of physical security guards and technological solutions, you can ensure optimal safety and protection. Stay on top of the latest trends and developments in access control to find the right mix of people and technology for your organization.


  1. CBS StatLine. (2020). security personnel; functions, industry. https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/83583NED/table?ts=1646945587264
  2. SecurityManagement. (2019). Access control survey: Technology and human security personnel. https://www.securitymanagement.com/access-control-survey-technology-and-human-security-personnel/
  3. NOS. (2019). Schiphol deploys extra security officers to improve passenger flows. https://nos.nl/artikel/2293086-schiphol-zet-extra-beveiligers-in-voor-betere-passagiersstromen.html
  4. Security Magazine. (2022). New Belgian security company focuses on access control. https://beveiligingmagazine.be/nieuw-belgisch-beveiligingsbedrijf-focust-op-toegangscontrole/
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